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Harkla Size Guide

Are you unsure what size you need? You'll find information on how to pick the right size Harkla product for you!

How to Pick the Right Size Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are a popular tool for improving sleep and promoting relaxation. To get the best results, it's essential to choose the right weight for your blanket. The general rule of thumb is to select a blanket that is about 10% of your body we

How to Pick the Right Size Weighted Compression Vest

The Harkla Weighted Compression Vest is thoughtfully designed to provide the ideal balance of comfort, support, and effectiveness. When used as intended, the vest weight should be 5% of your body weight, ensuring the right amount of deep pressure sti

How to Pick the Right Size Body Sock

The Harkla Body Sock is a sensory tool designed to provide deep pressure input, offering calming and therapeutic benefits. To maximize its effectiveness, it’s important to choose the correct size. Measuring for the Best FitWe recommend measuring your

How to Pick the Right Size Harkla Hug

The Harkla Hug is a sensory tool designed to provide gentle deep-pressure input, helping children feel calm and secure. To ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness, it’s essential to select the appropriate size based on age and weight recommendations

How to Pick the Right Size Compression Sheet

A compression sheet is a great tool for promoting restful sleep and providing calming sensory input. Choosing the right size is essential for ensuring it fits securely and delivers the proper level of compression. Bed Size Compatibility:Match the com